Thursday, 25 July 2013

Jasmine Kahlia - Meeting with the Mayor/Painting Portraits for Auctioning

I met with an inspiring young student from Waltham Forest College. Jasmine, Kahlia, recently who has offered to paint some portraits of me to put up for auctioning.  All money raised will go towards my fundraising causes.   Jasmine has created works on canvas, ceramics, illustrations and sculpture. I look forward to seeing the end results of her portraits. 

Jasmine has already made a start on one of the portraits.  I feel very honoured that Jasmine approached me to take part in her project and I am sure that we will be successful in raising funds through her clever idea!  Keep up the good work Jasmine!


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Schools4Change - A Feast of Conversation

I attended a very interesting event hosted by Schools4Change, a charity which works hard to provide quality education and schooling for disadvantaged girls in Africa and Asia. A Feast of Conversation was a fantastic success with special guests  Armeena Rana Khan actress and model and Faruk Miah,  a leading member of the Conservative Muslim Forum.   It was great to mix and mingle with the audience.  Everybody was so moved  by the speeches given during the course of the evening.   The charity raised  £650 that night.  This is a brilliant sum of money which will help build much needed schools in Africa and Asia.   Well done to Aamna Kokhar, founder of Schools4change who has done a superb job in organising this event.

Wood Street Post Office - Community Enterprise Fund

On Thursday I was invited to the Wood Street Post Office where the Communities Minister, Don Foster, came to launch the new Post Office Community Enterprise Fund.  I found out that this is an exciting new competition which is being run by the  Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and the Post Office.  Our residents are asked to think of projects which their local post office can start up to benefit the local community or small businesses.  The good thing is that Wood Street Post Office can apply for up to £10,000 from the £200,000  fund to help pay for these projects!

It was a great visit and I was also pleased to meet  Simon Burnham, Post Office Stakeholder Manager and Communications Director, Mark Davies.   I also met with Aman Sadana, the Branch Manager and  Iqbal Sadana, the Operator.  They both do a fantastic job in running our local post office and I am they will also  do a brilliant job with the projects they take on! Good luck!


Monday, 22 July 2013

Carnival Leyton Big Weekender

Wow, Waltham Forest certainly put on an amazing show with the carnival!  I was very happy to have led the start of the carnival at Leyton Cricket Ground.   l was joined and walked beside performers in costumes.  The costumes were so cleverly made as they were made to look like large swans.   The floats were beautifully decorated and were a mass of colours.  The streets were lined with so many people on this lovely hot day as they took in the vibes and danced to the music from the steel band.  The fun continued through the route as the performers and the steel band made its way through the streets and ended up back at Leyton Cricket Ground.  The steel band carried on playing to the audience into the early evening.  It was certainly an eventful day and I would like to thank everybody involved in putting on such a brilliant event!

Friday, 19 July 2013

NELFT - Sports Day

I went to Goodmayes Hospital this morning where I opened the NELFT Sports Day.   I found the event very educational and even had a blood pressure test which came back ok!  Sticking to my weight loss programme must be working!  I even had a round of rounders with staff and local people.

I met with the British High Jump Olympian, Dalton Grant.  As winner of four national championship titles for Great Britain it was a real honour that he joined us.  I am sure his master classes later in the day went really well.   I also met with Elizabeth Cann international badminton player but unfortunately she did not challenge me to a game of badminton!

All in all, a fantastic event which was made even better by the hot sunny weather!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The Big Reveal -The Soul Project

I had the pleasure of celebrating the newly revamped shop front for The Soul Project in Wood street this afternoon.  It was a really hot afternoon but that didnt stop the local people from coming to celebrate with balloons and banners. Cheeky Monkey and Leo the Lion came to say hello to me.  They are the resident furry animals who make sure  the kids are having a great time.   The best bit was when I thought I was going to cut the ribbon to show off the new shop front but was instead i was presented with a confetti cannon.  Everybody was thrilled at the bang and the colourful mess the confetti made afterwards!

I was given a great tour of the premises and got a brilliant insight into what the TSP do by being shown two videos. Thanks to the staff members for taking the time to make this possible for me.  Also a big thank you to Cassie and her colleagues for organising the event and to the design team for doing such a brilliant job on the new eye-catching shop front!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Highams Park Fun Day

Cllr Braham, Cllr Rackham, Cllr Sunger and myself with Charlie Chaplin
I really enjoyed the Highams Park Fun Day this Saturday.  We were very lucky with the weather  - unfortunately there was torrential rain last year and the year before, so were so pleased to have the sun shining on us this year!  I was joined by my fellow councillors from Hale End and Highams Park Ward, Councillors Paul Braham and Darshan Sunger - as you will see from the photo, we were also joined by  Charlie Chaplin! 

It was good to see so many people at the fun day.   There were many interesting stalls with food, refreshments and entertainment throughout the afternoon.  A big thank you to the Highams Park Society for organising the event and to the Highams Park and Hale End Community Ward forum for their financial support.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Walthamstow School for Girls

On Tuesday 2nd July at Walthmastow School for Girls a team of students, supported by hardworking members of staff came together to present a Charity Fundraising Dinner raising awareness of Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse. The evening was hosted by year 11 student Arifa Nasim and included speeches from esteemed guests such as Jasvinder Sanghera CBE and Director of Karma Nirvana, Chaz Akoshile.  I also listened to touching survivor stories and a riveting address from Rt hon Barroness Scotland QC.   The evening included a commemorative presentation on victim Shafilea Ahmed, powerful drama and dance performances and poetry recitals.    The evening was a resounding success that not only marked twenty years of the charity Karma Nirvana's tireless efforts, but also succeeded in inspiring members of our community. 

Armed Forces Day

I was honored to be a part of Armed Forces Day at Walthamstow Assembly Hall.  A pipe band started the ceremony where they marched around the fountain.   There was then a short ceremony with speeches and the Leader signed the covenant on behalf of the council.   This was followed by the official flag raising.  It was good to see so many people present.  I also visited the Army stall and posed for a photo with the Army personnel.

Installation of Father Salvador, St Saviour's Church

I was delighted to share in Father Salvador's very special occasion at St Saviour's Church as he was installed as Priest in Charge.  Father Salvador gave a valuable service to St Barnabas Church previously and I am sure he will do the same in St Saviours.    As a member of another faith, it was an honour for me to attend the service and to celebrate the diversity of our borough.   I send my very best wishes to Father Salvador and his Ministry.

Launch of Pickpocket Awareness

PCSO Steve, PC Connie and myself
I met with Chief Inspector Cowie and The Safer Transport Team (STT) at Walthamstow Bus Station on 3rd July.  The team have been working hard to raise community awareness of pick pocketing.  TFL kindly gave the team a double decker bus for the day and we used the bus to travel up and  down the borough, from Leyton to Chingford – stopping at every bus stop!!   The Police Community Support Officers (PCSO's) from the team gave out crime prevention advice on pickpocketing  and handed out all sorts of  goodies to members of public.   The younger kids were excited to meet with PCSO Steve and PC Connie, the cartoon characters.  I was lucky enough to have my photo taken with them!
It was a successful event as over 500 residents participated and approximately 500 leaflets were handed out.  So come on everybody, let’s all be vigilant and let’s not let pick pockets spoil our day!!  

Friday, 5 July 2013

WFHA Lunch at House of Commons with Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith

I was really pleased to attend a special anniversary lunch which was hosted by Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith at the House of Commons.   It was great to see John Cryer there too.  We were there to celebrate Waltham Forest Housing Association’s 50th Anniversary. It was good to meet Linda Milton, the Chief Executive and I really enjoyed her welcome speech.   Iain Duncan Smith commented on what a remarkable organisation WFHA are and I certainly agree with what Iain says!  Congratulations to WFHA!! 

Thursday, 4 July 2013

London Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival

What a brilliant time I had at the Dragon Boat Festival on Sunday!  I enjoyed watching the boat races on the river and the martial arts display.  The hospitality was fantastic and the food was amazing.  I found it really hard to avoid eating too much of it but I did my best because as everyone knows I am trying my best to lose weight!

Waltham Forest Tamil Sangam Sports Day

 On Sunday, I visited the Waltham Forest Tamil Sangam Sports Day with Cllr Chris Robbins, Cllr Clare Coghill and Cllr Raja Anwar.

It was a fabulous event - 200 children took part and marched past us carrying banners.  The weather was great and the children competed with great energy and commitment.    A fantastic event!

Me joining in with the Sports Day activities
Me with all the medals and trophies!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

My Gym Induction at Walthamstow Leisure Centre

I received my gym induction at Walthamstow Leisure Centre (part of the Greenwich Leisure Centre - GLL) last Wednesday.  The induction lasted for an hour and I was given a health check and then introduced to all the fitness equipment.  Craig then put together a personalised programme for me to follow, so I am now well on my way to losing weight!  Craig really put me through my paces! 

Thanks to all the staff who turned my induction into - what I thought was going to be a physically painful experience -  into a fun and enjoyable experience!!  I am certainly going to make full use of the local leisure centre (as you will see from the photo - I now have my membership card to prove it) as I want to be fit and healthy throughout my mayoral year and beyond.

Finally, I would like to say that GLL celebrated its 20th birthday yesterday!!!  Congratulations!!

Monday, 1 July 2013

20 mph Sign Competition

The winning entry by Malak Hailbi

Last Wednesday, I attended Chingford Hall Primary School where I was asked to present a prize to the winner of a 20 mph sign competition.   The school’s aim is  to raise awareness in children of the importance in road safety.  The pupils listened to a talk given by Costas Jacovou of the Project Development Team at Waltham Forest Council.  In short, a reduction in speed would hopefully result in a reduction in injury accidents.  This would mean that it would be safer for children to walk to school or use their bicycles instead of getting mum and dad to use their car!

I was pleased to present Malak Halibi, a Year 5 pupil with a prize of a bicycle and helmet which was kindly donated by J B Riney.  As you will see her drawing is eye-catching with a very clear message.  Malak’s drawing will go underneath the 20 mph sign, which will be placed at each entrance to the20 mph zone.  Well done Malak and a big thank you to everybody involved in organising the event!